Focus on Geothermal | May 31, 2024: Geothermal energy in Ukraine

Hello [simplenews-subscriber:field_first_name] [simplenews-subscriber:field_last_name],

we kindly invite you to join our upcoming "Focus on Geothermal" webinar this Friday, May 31, 2024, at 13:00 CEST.

The issue of this webinar is Geothermal energy in Ukraine: challenges and opportunities towards the global energy market, which will be presented by Taras Popadynets from Geothermal Ukraine.

You can find further information on ThinkGeoEnergy.

Here, you can register to participate via the website of

We also want to inform you about our upcoming event, the IGC Invest Geothermal conference in Frankfurt (Main) from 25 to 26 june. The conference will start with a forum in which municipal utilities will present current geothermal projects. In addition, models of cooperation between energy suppliers and companies will be analyzed to promote dialogue within the industry with effective partnerships and synergies. The second day will focus on key topics such as the impact of the EU taxonomy on the financing of geothermal projects. One session will be about the financing of the Eavor Loop by the European Investment Bank. To take part in the conference, you can register here. There are still limited spots available.

Best regards,
Your Enerchange-Team