Focus on Geothermal I May 19, 2023: Perception spillover of fracking controversy on geothermal

Hello [simplenews-subscriber:field_first_name] [simplenews-subscriber:field_last_name],

for the next Focus on Geothermal webinar of this Friday, May 19, 2023 at 14:00 CEST we invite you to the presentation of

Dr. Emily Cox

research associate at the Universities of Oxford and Cardiff. Emily is a social scientist in energy and climate, with expertise in public attitudes and behaviours, risk, resilience, and socio-technical systems. Her research focuses on public perceptions of carbon removal techniques. Understanding public attitudes is crucial for the ethical and effective development of new technologies, and Emily’s work aims to enhance public participation in climate innovation.

In her presentation – Perception spillover: Impacts of the fracking controversy on public perceptions of deep geothermal – Emily gives an insight on the concept of “perception spillover,” specifically on whether the controversy over fracking for oil and gas affects public attitudes on low-carbon energy technologies such as deep geothermal.

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