Focus on Geothermal I April 21, 2023: Battery Raw Materials - Outlook to 2030 “A European perspective”

Hello [simplenews-subscriber:field_first_name] [simplenews-subscriber:field_last_name],

for the next Focus on Geothermal webinar of this Friday, April 21, 2023 at 14:00 CEST we invite you to the presentation of

Dipl. Geol. Michael Schmidt

Research Associate at the German Mineral Resources Agency (DERA) based in Berlin, which is part of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR). He is a geologist with practical experience in exploration, global market analysis and consultancy and since 2015 the designated Lithium expert of DERA/BGR.

In his presentation Battery Raw Materials – Outlook to 2030. A European perspective the current market situation of the raw material lithium as well as its production potentials will be discussed. Furthermore, a short overview of potential demands based on ramp-up scenarios of E-mobility until 2030 will be given.

You can find further information on ThinkGeoEnergy.

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Best regards,
Your Enerchange-Team