Focus on Geothermal 9 April 2021: Deep Geothermal by PLASMABIT Technology

Hello [simplenews-subscriber:field_first_name] [simplenews-subscriber:field_last_name],

in the next Focus on Geothermal webinar of next Friday, April 9, 2021 (14.00 CEST),

Igor Kocis

the founder and CEO of GA Drilling will speak about:

Deep Geothermal by PLASMABIT Technology

Large-scale geothermal energy has long been constrained to volcanic areas where heat can easily be captured and turned into electricity. Today, breakthroughs in drilling techniques are opening new horizons for the technology, offering the prospect of “Geothermal Anywhere”. More information about the topics of the next Focus on Geothermal you find at ThinkGeoEnergy.

You can register free of charge to participate at the next Focus on Geothermal via the website of

Best regards,
Your Enerchange-Team