Focus on Geothermal | 17 September 2021: Introducing WGC 2020+1

Hello [simplenews-subscriber:field_first_name] [simplenews-subscriber:field_last_name],

for the next Focus on Geothermal webinar of this Friday, September 17, 2021 (2.00 pm CEST), we invite you to the presentation of

Alexander Richter from ThinkGeoEnergy and the Organizing Comittee of the World Geothermal Congress

who will

Introduce the WGC 2020+1

You can register here to participate via the website of

Best regards,
Your Enerchange-Team

Please remember our upcoming event IGC Geothermal Invest 2021 from 28th to 29th of September in Frankfurt am Main, Germany (Live and Online). The programm will be announced next Friday.