Focus on Geothermal XIII | 13 November 2020: Monitoring Induced Seismicity

Hello [simplenews-receiver-firstname] [simplenews-receiver-realname],

in the next Focus on Geothermal webinar of in cooperation of ThinkGeoEnergy and Enerchange, Emmanuel Auger from Baker Hughes will speak on November 13, 2020 at 14.00 (CET) about:

Monitoring the induced seismicity of a long project in the context of difficult social acceptance

Deep geothermal projects can be stopped in their tracks by induced seismicity, with the 2007 Basel earthquake as the most obvious example. In addition, to make use of residual heat for district heating or for industrial processes, geothermal projects tend to be developed close to cities so that the social acceptance and induced seismicity are even more critical.

The case study presented is about induced seismicity monitoring of a Carbon Capture and Sequestration project run in SW France close to the city of Pau,which initially met strong resistance from the local population and was closely scrutinized by the regulators. The seismic monitoring had three objectives:

  • Image small events close to the injection well
  • Detect the potential reactivation of local faults
  • Help the public seismic network locate the regional seismicity

Each of these objectives were met with different instruments: Deep borehole geophones close to the injection well, geophones buried in shallow wells for the local faults, and one broad-band seismometer for the regional seismicity.

In the next Focus on Geothermal the monitoring and the conclusions of the implemented seismic monitoring are presented.

You can register free of charge to participate at the Focus on Geothermal webinar via the website of

Please consider also the IGC Invest Geothermal Online Meeting with trends, developments and updates by leading market participants from industry and authorities about Switzerland - France - Croatia next week on November 17, 2020 (12.00 to 17.30 pm). More information and registration at the website of the event.

Best regards,
Your Enerchange-Team

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