Focus on Geothermal XI | 16 October 2020: Geothermal Energy in Greece

Hello [simplenews-receiver-firstname] [simplenews-receiver-realname],

in the next Focus on Geothermal webinar of, this Friday 16 October 2020 from 14.00 to 14.30 (CEST), the President of the Association of Greek Geologists (AGG) Evangelos Spyridonos will give a presentation about:

Geothermal energy in Greece:
current situation, challenges and perspectives

Greece is rich in geothermal resources, as a result of favorable geologic conditions. In many parts of the country, circulation of deep hot fluids is favored by active fault systems. Geothermal areas are associated with the development of the alpidic volcanic activity over time and space, from late Eocene to the present and from north to south.

The presence of high-enthalpy geothermal fields is related to the active volcanic arc, while many low enthalpy geothermal fields are found in North-Eastern Greece, related to Miocene volcanism. Here, a first power was installed in 1986, that is meanwhile abandoned.

Evangelos will speak about the further development in Greece and introduce different kind of resources.

You can register free of charge to participate via the website of

Viele Grüße,
   Ihr Enerchange-Team