Focus on Geothermal X | 2 October 2020: Geothermal Energy in Bavaria

Hello [simplenews-receiver-firstname] [simplenews-receiver-realname],

in the next webinar Focus on Geothermal of, this Friday 2 October 2020 from 14.00 to 14.30 (CEST), Jochen Schneider from Enerchange will give a presentation about:

Geothermal Energy in Bavaria: Market Conditions
& Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern 2020

The presentation deals with the development of geothermal energy in Bavaria and gives an outlook to the future projects. The actual 23 operating plants will significantly increase in the next years. The major driver for this development is among others the Renewable Sources Act (EEG), which is actually under revision.

Th EEG is also topic of the Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern, the congress featuring the development of the most prosperous geothermal market in Middle Europe. It takes place on October 14, 2020, as live and online event. The webinar will introduce the congress program and show the options for online participation and company presentation in the virtual expo.

You can register free of charge to participate via the website of

Best regards,
Your Enerchange-Team