Focus on Geothermal V | 24 July 2020: A progress update on Eavor's closed-loop system and their upcoming geothermal project in Geretsried

Hello [simplenews-receiver-firstname] [simplenews-receiver-realname],

In the next webinar Focus on Geothermal of, this Friday July 24, 2020 from 14.00 to 14.30 (CEST), Robert Winsloe, the Executive Vice President at Eavor Technologies Inc., will present:

A progress update on Eavor's closed-loop system and their upcoming geothermal project in Geretsried

An Eavor-Loop™ is essentially a large, buried radiator that extracts heat from the earth purely through conduction, with no fluid exchange between the process and the reservoir – a closed loop. Multiple horizontal laterals are drilled from the vertical inlet and outlet wells and intersected to form a large sub-surface heat exchanger. Flow is driven in the system purely by a thermosiphon effect eliminating the parasitic pump load.

In 2019, a pilot scale demonstration facility, Eavor-Lite™ in Canada successfully demonstrated Eavor’s ability to drill and intersect an Eavor-Loop™, seal the laterals using proprietary Rock-Pipe™ completion technology, validate the thermodynamic performance of the system and demonstrate thermosiphon operation.

An added unique benefit of an Eavor-Loop™ is that it can be dispatchable; a 10MW plant can deliver 240MWh over a 24 hour period in almost any shape. Energy can be stored sub-surface and extracted strategically by adjusting the operating parameters to produce peak energy when required and promote system flexibility and grid stability.

The Geretsried project in Germany will be Eavor’s first commercial scale Eavor-Loops™ deployment. The first phase will consist of four (4) Eavor-Loops™ and will deliver 8.6 MWe electrical capacity plus 65 MWth thermal capacity to a district heating network. Two further phases including an additional 48 Eavor-Loops executed in a repeatable manufacturing process across the license area, will result in a cumulative 200 MWe of electrical capacity over the three phases. Through this manufacturing style approach rapid progression down the cost curve is anticipated.

This is the framework for the next webinar. The presentation is followed by a Q+A session. You can register free of charge to participate via the website of For earlier presentations in the Focus on Geothermal series please visit out youtube-channel.

Best regards,
   Your Enerchange-Team