Focus on Geothermal IV | 10 July 2020: The EU green deal - implications for the Geothermal Decade

Hello [simplenews-receiver-firstname] [simplenews-receiver-realname],

In the next webinar Focus on Geothermal of, this Friday July 10 from 14.00 to 14.30 (CEST), Philippe Dumas, the general Secretary of the EGEC, will provide an insight in the European environmental policy with respect to geothermal:

The EU green deal: a new energy and climate policy framework for a Geothermal decade?

After the first decade of the energy & climate framework for 2020, the launch of an Energy Union in 2015 and the newly adopted 2030 package for climate and energy policies, the EU proposed in 2020 a Green Deal to have the EU climate neutral in 2050.

Geothermal energy can be used for heating, cooling, hot water and electricity for countless uses. It provides a renewable energy source for buildings, industrial processes and agriculture, supports local development and is at the heart of the first European clean value chain for batteries in electric vehicles. Geothermal technologies have been around since the beginning of 1900s, but the last decade have witnessed an extraordinary growth. By 2030 the sector will be more than 10 times bigger.

With so many different applications and a vast untapped potential, geothermal energy is bound to become the bedrock of energy transition. This will be the Geothermal Decade.

To make this geothermal decade successful, a real European Green Deal and an ambitious EU energy and climate policy framework is required. The European Commission will make proposals to increase the EU’s climate ambition for 2030. Relevant energy legislation will be reviewed and revised. Meeting the objectives of the European Green Deal will require significant investment in the energy sector.
Many funding opportunities will exist for geothermal projects. Decarbonising the EU’s energy system with geothermal is critical to reach these climate objectives.

This is the framewok for the next webinar. You can register free of charge to participate via the website of

Best regards,
   Your Enerchange-Team