Focus on Geothermal III | 26 June 2020: Geothermal Energy in the Netherlands

Hello [simplenews-receiver-firstname] [simplenews-receiver-realname],

In the next webinar Focus on Geothermal of, this Friday June 26 from 14.00 to 14.30 (CEST), Dr. Maren Brehme, Assitant Professor at the TU Delft will provide an insight in the Geothermal Development in the Netherlands:

Geothermal Energy in the Netherlands - Experiences, Potentials and Targets.

„Netherlands to halt Groningen gas production by 2022” states the in September 2019. But how to replace the largest energy provider in the Netherlands?

Geothermal energy became the focus of the energy and climate politics in the Netherlands in recent years. The Netherlands are world leaders in ATES with >2500 systems installed. The goal for deep geothermal is to drill 700 doublets until 2050 to provide 135PJ of geothermal heat.

However, geothermal operation also faces several challenges. Decreased injection or production due to clogging of wells and surface infrastructure, geological heterogeneities and induced changes at subsurface put risk on geothermal projects. Recently, TU Delft has been granted two geothermal projects that tackle those challenges during operation and links them to geothermal exploration. International consortia will work on new scientific approaches as well as European-standardized education of a new generation of geothermal experts.

This is the framewok for the next webinar. You can register free of charge to participate via the website of

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   Your Enerchange-Team